When perusing the bowels of the interwebs looking for interesting vehicles for sale, you are usually met with very brief, somewhat descriptive ads that might tell you some info about what you could be getting into upon purchase. And more times than not (especially when it comes to Craigslist ads), you will be lucky to get photos of the car that actually show clear pictures of the vehicle and have somewhat legible grammar. But every once in a while, we are blessed with a tale of how much better your life will be after you purchase the car for sale. We’ve seen many of those ads over the years, and they are great. Even rarer still are ads that are meant to both entertain AND warn potential buyers of the hardships the prospective vehicle will bring them in life.
Today, we at BangShift present to you this ad for a Gold 2004 Maserati Coupe GT. Offered up for sale in Centreville, MD, this car has been less than a delight to own for it’s current owner. You know what? We’ll let them tell the tale!
Don’t need a 16k Paperweight? Of course you don’t! How about an Italian money toilet!
Some of you may recognize this as a 2004 Maserati Coupe’ (also known as the 4200 GT). Don’t let that gorgeous Italian body fool you though, this car is Satan’s chariot to Hell (or bankruptcy).
I do not exaggerate when I say that this car has been in the shop HALF the time I have owned it. In the last 6 months, I have put ELEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS into it in parts and labor and the thing still isn’t right.
I’m not rich. I’m just an average dude that always wanted a Maserati. Since I was a kid I lusted after those Italian curves and exhaust note. Now my own kids come to me and ask me why there’s no food to eat and the electricity has been turned off and I have to tell them it’s because Daddy’s car is sick again.
This car has a new clutch, new clutch actuator, position sensor, F1 pump and relay, gear selector switch (a 2k SWITCH) new tie rods and new tires. It has the miraculous F1 transmission. As in if it works, it is a miracle. It is also seemingly inhabited by evil spirits.
The voodoo priests at the Maserati dealer insist it’s fixed. But it’s not. And I’ve seen their facility. There’s no tools, just an altar to Alejandro DeTomaso where they place the still beating hearts and smoking wallets of Maserati owners and ask for a vision of what the @#$$ is wrong with their clients’ cars.
Come take a look at it! It’s Beautiful! It WILL let you down. You might think that since I poured so much money into it, that there must just be one more thing and then it will be perfect. You can drive it home and laugh at the poor slob that you bought it from who did all the work for you. Nope. Not gonna happen. This car will make you cry.
So why am I asking 16 grand for it? Good question. I’m taking a HUGE loss at that price and that’s the lowest price I can let it go for and still be able to pay my mortgage. If that’s too much, don’t buy it. I don’t blame you.
Come look at it! Bring a witch doctor and maybe, just maybe, if the stars are aligned just right you can drive it. DO NOT DRIVE IT. If you drive it, you will want it. It is fast. It is beautiful. It makes a sound like angels revving their angelmobiles.
I want this thing out of my sight. I’m tired of sitting in it at night drinking and making engine noises with my mouth while I pretend it is not a huge pile of disappointment and debt.
Do not offer me 5k for it. The Trident badge alone makes it worth more than that. I don’t have to sell it. It can sit in my garage and I can continue to hate it. I don’t HAVE to sell it. I WANT to. There’s a difference.
Well, then. Wowzers….
Also, there’s a few Craigslisty pics for your enjoyment!
In 10 years, are these going to be come the running joke of automotive enthusiasts like the 80’s Biturbo cars are now? Who knows, but it’s safe to say that you could learn from this poor guy’s experience and avoid the siren’s call of that tempting Italian V8 and avoid these at all costs. If you are a glutton for punishment and want to see this thing for yourself, check out the ad HERE. Good luck, because you’re gonna need it!
Posting a car ad after a 72 hour session of drink and drugs is a very stupid idea! I would go round to the guy’s house and tell him that for $50000 I would torch it on his driveway and rid him of the thing that has destroyed his sanity and indeed his very life..
To quote the late Monty Hall..”what’s behind door number 3?”…the “my car was stolen / just exploded in flame, yada yada” door has now closed. Live with it pal.
LS !! Cheap, reliable, power, etc. Everything will be better.
Its a win/win situation.
AND you will piss off CHMG !
More win !
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
This guy is my hero. Slow clap for Arjen!
What do you say, Geordie? A LS swap? Actually wouldn’t be that bad of an idea
Definitely just needs a simple LS swap, and all will be well.
Ah – I’d swap an LS in it before I torched it for him….
Put geordie in the trunk and when the fire starts his methane soaked body would lead to a Hiroshima scale replica blast, and a great insurance claim story.
He needs yo drop the body on an Na Miata….have a good looking & reliable car.