Shop manuals aren’t exactly the most stimulating reading in the world, but we cherish them more than dad’s Playboy collection, plus they’re more useful when it comes time to work on our hot rods. And while most of us stick to a single brand, we usually don’t stick to a single model, and this can sometimes be a problem. We never think so when we first purchase a new project, because a Chevrolet is a Chevrolet right? Not quite, as we found out while trying to do some dash work on our project ’66 Bel Air Wagon. So, off to the shelf of manuals we went, only to find we didn’t have a 1966 Body manual.
Hunting Ebay resulted in multiple hits for reproduction and original manuals, but it was the listings by Faxon Auto Literature in Riverside, California that caught our interest. Faxon is close to’s west coast headquarters, and since we are impatient, that made the choice pretty simple. It turns out that Faxon has a ton of stuff for ANY automotive enthusiast. We’re talking manuals for all makes and models from 1902 to present. Whether you are into planes, trains, or automobiles, they have original or reprint manuals. They even offer manuals on CD so you can check them out on the computer. This is the option we chose, so we could get all 3 different 1966 Chevrolet manuals plus a copy of the mechanical parts book, for only $50.
Check out the selection or make an order here at the Faxon Auto Literature site.