Well THIS should be interesting! Next week from December 12-14th our own Lohnes will be hosting the first ever Roadkill LIVE! from the floor of the PRI (Performance Racing Industry) show in Indy. What the hell does that mean? Probably no good, but you are going to want to watch. Freibuger and Finnegan have been challenged by the guys at Holley do put their wrenches where their mouths are and utilize Holley’s vast array of LS swap parts on the Crusher Camaro. David and Mike have accepted the challenge and here’s how it is going to go down.
The Crusher will be road tripped with its current blown rat motor from Mast Motorsports in Texas to Indy and parked on the show floor. When the lights come on and people stream into the event on December 12th the pair will set to yanking the healthy 700hp blown rat motor from the front of the car and go about the process of jamming in a 700hp Mast Motorsports LS7 where the huffed sewer dweller lived before. The swap will be made possible by using almost all of Holley’s vast number of parts designed to make this swap a very manageable and relatively streamlined affair. We’re talking product lines that cover engine mounts, Hooker headers, transmission crossmembers, accessory drive kits, intake manifolds, fuel systems, plumbing, and EFI. Yes, this engine will retain some old school cool looks by running a pair of Holleyt throttle bodies on top of it. The guys will get the job done in the three day length of the show and then drive that sucker all the way back to LA recording the differences in fuel economy, drivability, fun, and reliability. Along with the motor going in there’s going to be a new transmission, cooling components, and other parts used.
While those two guys are working, bleeding, and chucking wrenches at each other, my job is going to be doing interviews, performing a dance routine, and keeping the show rolling along. Since everything always goes according to plan on Roadkill….wait, what? Oh, I guess it doesn’t. This should be a piece a cake! We’re looking forward to three days of fun, so stay tuned for more information and while you are here, hit the link below to see all of the Holley swap parts from motor mounts to EFI that we were telling you about.
This engine swap makes me sad….just sad. Another LS in a Camaro…how unique…but all the cool kids are doing it…whatever….
It’s plainly an advertising sell-out.
The slags at Mast probably comp’d ’em the belly-button-lint LESS, a Corona six-pack (hot, not on ice) and a fifteen-minute phone card for one of those late-night “chat” lines . . . And that’s more than this WRETCHED EXCUSE FOR AN ENGINE SWAP IS WORTH!
But they couldn’t let Chad host because he’d be in a euphoric coma the very second he laid eyes on the homely “LESS-X” .
HOW I WISH “ROADKILL” LIVE was a call-in show without a delay so we could scorch this sell-out stupidity.
Don’t forget the tens of thousands they spend in advertising every year which helps keep the mag on the shelf.
These guys that posted above don’t care or realize any of that. Kinda sad, but hard to fix ignorant, know what I mean. Just remember, when the Caddy OHV and SBC motors started getting swapped into all kinds of rods in the 50’s and 60’s, the old flathead guys sounded the same alarm as you are now. Guess what guys, things change. Embrace it and keep doing your own thing, not knocking down what some else does.
Like a BBC in a Camaro wasn’t played out? Really pal? You can’t swing a dead cat at a car show without hitting a few BBC powered Camaros. That’s unique to you? On the other hand,I’ve only seen 2 done up here, so this is sort of interesting. Don’t get out much, do you?
Ok Mike, David and Roadkill vids are cool. Swapping out the LS with Holley or any company throwing free parts at the project does not interest me at all. Its not Roadkill. The appeal of Roadkill to me is Finnegan and Freiberger dwelling in the reality the majority of us face. The world of tight budgets, the need for speed and getting something on the road through hard work and ingenuity versus cubic dollars. It is my opinion you guys may be “jumping the shark”.
My 2 cents.
What AngryJoe said!
Wait, a proven, streetable blown BBC becoming available?
If F nor F have plans for it, seems like Reynolds or Lohnes could make good use of it.
Read somewhere to not meet your heros as they might disappoint you …
Well i am truly saddened by this . Just another belly button . Might as well tell Mike and David to yank those mother mopar HEMIS out and get the model glue out and stick in some late model lumps . Don’t get me wrong still love the show and the mag but this is just silly.
maybe a big stroker LSX in the ramp truck would have been better.
just my 1and a half cents
Keep the blown big block, don’t make it another LS Camaro!
On second thought, if Mike and Dave do swap then purposely blow the LS motor up in the PRI parking lot, yank the LS out and put the BBBC and tranny back in to drive home to Ca. that would be ok. Then they would be “Born Again” RoadKill.
And since when do Fin and Frie care about gas mileage… in a magical RoadKill moment they crushed a Prius with a Tank for crying out load. Gas mileage they don’t need no stinkin’ gas mileage. What’s the dialog on the ride home? ” Gosh Michael, this new LS motor sure does get great gas mileage and reliable too. David can you pass the vegetables and hummus dip”. ” Rats I just broke a nail!”
I still love RoadKill, the Mag and I ma sure you will redeem yourselves in the next episode.
My additional 3/4 cents worth.
The “dialogue” on the way home will be whatever Holley and Mast pay ’em to say.
Maybe Holley/GMPP will pay for mobile teleprompters to project the ad copy onto the windshield HUD style, so that DF and FINN don’t have to stress any Corona-addled brain cells remembering it.
Or they could just dub in Chad’s stream-of-consciousness gushing over it and be done.
Wonder if they’ll broadcast a running tally of the cost of the Mast LS7 and every last part used to swap it in and subsequently make the Crusher go down the road?
…Let me get this straight, you’re taking a blown BBC out and putting in an LS engine……like everyone else on the planet……yawn…..
go for it! i regret not dropping a 5.7 hemi into my 68 satellite 4 door to replace the good running 318 when the oportunity arouse (mainly lack of the $5000 or so it would take to make the complete job); but i do think its important to see the cost/benefit of this swap, including cool factor. be sure to drop the rat into something even cooler!
Bunch of Haters! The Crusher Camaro will always evolve into something else. Give it up you have no control on what they do. Hell they should put an FE in there, or a Pontiac!
So true!! This car has had a BUNCH of motors in it and I doubt this one will stick around for all that long…. I don’t think anything will compare after playing on the street with bigblock/roots blower torque!
Besides, to me the show is about DOING stuff! Swapping a motor, in a weekend, in a very public place, LIVE with camera’s in your face….I can only imagine what could go wrong!
And John, you out of ALL people should know how an engine swap thats SUPPOSED to be simple can go twelve ways from sideways!!
Or a 351 Cleveland 4V heads!
I think Chad and Brian should challenge David and Mike to an engine swap challenge of some sort.
That would be awesome!!! Bang Kill or Road Shift!!! If that were to happen, I would provide the pistons!
I read or heard somewhere that the LS is a loner from Mast- not a permanent thing. So it will possibly go back to a big block later on. Don’t forget that this is a magazine’s project car- it is always going to evolve into something different as time passes.
Don’t forget that these guys have to do things that bring in the bucks too. This is a good advertisement for Holley and will give these guys a good taste of what they have to offer. IMO, F & F give pretty honest opinions of what they use, so it will be interesting to hear what they say. Otherwise, this will be entertaining.
Just the first 20 minutes I watched was better than a marathon of what ever is offered for car guy TV now.
Why is this not a weekly show again?
How these guys are accomplishing all this without saying the magic words such as G%$ D#$% it and MUTHA F#$%#$ and “Who’s *$(%**^(%$ idea was this anyway” is beyond me!!
Good point, I can’t work on much with out cussing.
Can’t wait to here this LSX run! Sorry guys, but the LSX platform is the best thing since sliced bread!
‘Too bad F & F couldn’t get special dispensation from the convention center to keep working into the night to ensure a timely completion before the closing of PRI.
If the Crusher Camaro proves roadworthy, they’re gonna drive it from Indy to California at this time of year without a heater?
That stunt could literally put “kill” into Road Kill!
Maybe Heaven could disperse an extra coupla angels to accompany them back home…
Indy to Cali? how cold could it be? unless they are near the upper 48 it can’t be that bad.
Do we have a major – ” mess – up ” ?? Do we have a great big – ” OOPS ” ?? Has anyone seen or , even heard any mention of – – – ” ANTI – SEIZE ” ??? I haven’t seen any application there-of . has anyone else ? I thought Everyone knew the little rhyme . ” Steel thread , aluminum head …… I’m Not on You-tube . would one kind soul tap them on the shoulder and mention this in a polite ” whisper ” thank you …..
I’m a confessed Road Kill junkie and this show hit all the right buttons, good job as always. The haters won’t put a sock in it until F&F swap in a f’ing flathead.
Is it just me or is Crusher on slicks?
+1 on the G rated languange….HOW? Me and my buddy where watching and we couldn’t watch without commenting on all the missed innuendo. Come on missed gold here….”just spray it a little and shove it in”.
I like to watch this. No matter what engine.
Yes a BBC in an early Camaro isn’t an original Idea (factory option, remember?) A LoSerX engine isn’t original thinking, either at this point. Advertising dollars do run the world. I personally think it’s a real shame to do that (loaner or not) to the “Crusher”. A classic hot rod motor, for a classic hot rod type of car, is my thoughts. Dynacorn advertises in the mag, so that would be my choice, a new, re-pop, Camaro body. I mean, I understand there were similar feelings about the “Project X ’57 Chev”, and it’s evolution, and now it’s being restored to what it once was. Everyone voice can not be satisfied, no matter what, these are my opinions, and are not meant to be offensive or defensive. I am very happy that we have ‘Hot Rod’ mag & ‘Road-Kill’. Bring on more!!!!
Brian, Does the Crusher Camaro have a heater and defrosters?
Thats 2 you have been warned!
LOL call Evans again!
I’m sorry, but this thread is hilarious. You guys barking about putting a Chevy engine into a Chevy are idiots. As a orphan car fanatic, all I can say is “Butt hurt? Good. Think about this the next time you see a 350/350 stuffed in a AMX, or a Golden Hawk. Now you know how it feels.”
Having vented my frustrations, it’s cool to see how much power people are getting out of the LS mills. It’s an impressive piece of engineering to begin with and even more impressive is what the hot-rodding community has done to improve it.
I’d like to see any of us, even with all the resources available this time, pull this deal off, turn key to turn key…… in THREE days. As for the LS thing,….. it’s all the same man. Horsepower is horsepower. And it’s all fun and interesting. Even this stuff, which is completely over my head, is made relatable by F n F. Those guys are just like us and put it all out there, problems, headaches and all. I always get ideas and problem solving for my own projects watching these shows. EVEN if the hardware is far from what I’m doing at the moment. Hands on as always. This live shoot lives the theme. I’d have to say it’s Roadkill right on target.
While the live is good, I’d have to say i just don’t have the time to watch this at length. I’ll have to wait for the edited version.
And my favorite part…… it’s about the fun (and the pain in the ass…….) that makes it real. Thanks for taking the risk………
Steve weim55 Colorado
Great programing …. watched it from begining to end , all 3 days . The hic-c-c-c-c – ups were great fun . People watching was as well . Interesting to see life stroll by during the luls in the swap …. Would I do it again ? …. Hell yes .
Loved it!
If you don’t and you were listening you’d know it’s a sponsored swap with a loaned motor that won’t stay in the car and they are already talking about putting a bigger blown BBC back in to keep you happy.