What’s It Weigh? Check Out The RideTech Vehicle Weight Database To See More Than 1,800 Different Vehicle Weights!

What’s It Weigh? Check Out The RideTech Vehicle Weight Database To See More Than 1,800 Different Vehicle Weights!

Knowledge is power and knowledge is based in data. Data collection is an interesting thing because sometimes the information comes to you and sometimes you need to find the information. When RideTech decided that they wanted to weigh as many vehicles as they could to build a database of vehicle weights there was one logical solution…go to the cars. So, the company has taken scales with them to shows for years to weigh cars and determine their front to rear balance. Why do this? Like we said, knowledge is power and knowing all of this stuff allows things like shock and spring packages to be tuned correctly for different vehicle families.

What’s awesome about this is not only the incredible variety of cars but rather the variety of builds that are shown. Take a 1957 Chevy for example. You’ll see weights with a small block/stick combo, weights with a small block overdrive automatic, big block, LS engine, etc. If you cannot find a variant of what you drive on this list, congrats because it is a major league freak show.

If you are working on trying to figure out the best spring rate for your car or truck, hit this database first to get some accuracy on the girth of your hot rod. Knowledge is power and a blind guess is a waste of time. RideTech did the work so you did not have to!

Hit the image to check out the RideTech vehicle weight database!

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