Take A (Literally) 15-Second Survey From Jiffy-Tite Motorsports And Enter To Win Free Stuff! (If This Takes Longer Than 15 Seconds You’re Doing It Wrong)

Take A (Literally) 15-Second Survey From Jiffy-Tite Motorsports And Enter To Win Free Stuff! (If This Takes Longer Than 15 Seconds You’re Doing It Wrong)

Jiffy-Tite Motorsports makes the best fittings in the world for your hot rod or race car because they are super easy to use, they don’t leak, and they can make jobs like carb and transmission swaps really, really quick. Since they have this quickness thing down to a T, they have devised and posted the world’s quickest survey on their website for you to take and as a little bonus, you can actually win a Jiffy-Tite prize pack for your participation! We’re not kidding about the speed thing, either. We have seen carb swaps done with no muss and no fuss with Jiffy-Tite sittings quicker than anything else. Any racer who has ever tried to trash between rounds and swap out big stuff like a transmission can appreciate their quick connect and disconnect quality as well. Oh, and since the company is actually out there at the races with their customers, they are even cooler.

Now, all you have to do is to hit the link below and answer like three questions which if you take more than 5 minutes answering you’ve done something horribly wrong. Click the boxes, answer the questions and enter to win Jiffy-Tite stuff!


CLICK HERE to take the world's quickest survey and enter to win free stuff!


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1 thoughts on “Take A (Literally) 15-Second Survey From Jiffy-Tite Motorsports And Enter To Win Free Stuff! (If This Takes Longer Than 15 Seconds You’re Doing It Wrong)

  1. 38P

    They didn’t ask the key question: “Why don’t you buy any of our stuff?”

    Because it’s seems way more expensive than ordinary AN fittings. That’s okay for sponsored pro race teams. Not so good for the grassroots “little guy” who has to fund everything out of his or her own pocket.

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