In Part 2 of the Power Hammer build, Karl gets his fabrication on building the dies for his new power hammer build. If you missed Part 1, use the link below to check it out too!
He’s an expert in metal shaping, spends tons of time teaching how to shape metal in his videos, and now he’s showing how to make your own power hammer at home with scrap steel. This is a tool that can be a real asset in shaping panels, and if you have ever watched a power hammer, or Pullmax being used, then you know what it is capable of.
I love shop made tool, whether they are hand tools, power tools like this, or anything in between. When you make your own tool, to solve your own problem, it is something special because everytime you use it you know you made the thing that is helping you make more things. I love that. So check it out, and tell us what you think. Would you build one for yourself?