
the car junkie daily magazine.


DIY 20 TON Workshop Press – Is This The Ultimate Press Brake For Home?

DIY 20 TON Workshop Press – Is This The Ultimate Press Brake For Home?

I love DIY tools, and this one right here is arguably one of the more adjustable you are going to find. In fact, this shop press might have more adjustments than I’ve ever seen in one before. But that’s not all, because the Metalist is also going to show how to make a press brake attachment to use with your new DIY 20-ton press. Watch.

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Plans to my Projects: https://www.etsy.com/de/shop/Madebyth…

I finally finished this project. A hydraulic workshop press that you can put on the table. I’ve had the hydraulic cylinder lying around with me for ages. With the threaded rods you can easily adjust the height of the table or the press. With this system you can also easily convert the system with the hand-pumping cylinder to an automatic system. You only have to build a new holder for the cylinder. I will definitely do that soon too. The idea of ​​the simple press brake came to me very spontaneously. There are plans to build another one. But this will be a bit more complex 🙂

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1 thoughts on “DIY 20 TON Workshop Press – Is This The Ultimate Press Brake For Home?

  1. Wayne Vandermeer

    I built something similiar one night while I was bored and drinking beer in the garage, works pretty good.

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