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Ever Seen A Car Get Chemically Dipped And Stripped? Watch This Pantera Get Stripped Down To Bare Metal

Ever Seen A Car Get Chemically Dipped And Stripped? Watch This Pantera Get Stripped Down To Bare Metal

I stripped most of my 1969 Camaro convertible using aircraft stripper nearly 35 years ago, and it sucked. I mean it worked, but it was a lot of work. If I was doing a car from the ground up today, I’d consider one of the other ways to strip a body, including media blasting, dustless/wet media blasting, or chemical stripping like they are doing in this video. The nice thing about dipping a body like this is that they can strip all the paint from the inside and outside of every panel. Of course you then need to make sure you coat all those surfaces, but that is also an option with companies like this.

If you haven’t seen a body getting dipped before, check this one out. It’s a Pantera, one of my favorite sports cars, and the results are kind of amazing.

Check it out.

Video Description:

STICK AROUND UNTIL THE END so you can see pics of this car E-coated after the Chemical dipping process!

Today I am chemically removing all the paint and rust off another 1972 De Tomaso Pantera prior to its complete restoration. I’m going to take you through the process we use to completely chemically strip cars down to bare metal. This is a more thorough alternative to sand/media blasting with no chances of metal warping on thin panels. This process shows you exactly what you are working with and gives you a blank canvis to work with!

It is a 3 step process

Step 1) alkaline degreaser and paint remover

Step 2) Food grade Rust removing acid

Step 3) Water based rust inhibitor

The total process takes around 6 weeks because we use environmentally safe chemicals.

Company name: 3s chemicals llc

Location : Nanty Glo Pennsylvania

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