We’re making our way through the totally insane Fireball Tools fiber grinding disc test series with two fiber discs at a time. This testing is about as thorough as it gets, and follows their huge flap disc test series which definitely has influenced my flap disc buying. If you prefer fiber discs for your metal finishing, watch this entire series too!
Last Week we shared the video from Fireball Tool where Jason was building the ultimate grinding disc test rig in preparation for the ultimate grinding wheel test we’ve ever seen. And now it is time to put them to the test and see the results. We’ll be posting two test videos each day, as that is how Jason is putting them out. If you are familiar with Fireball Tool videos, then you know that they are as thorough as is practical, and that a lot of thought and preparation goes into them. If you doubt that before watching these two videos, make sure you click the link below to see how he created this test rig being used.
In the two videos below you’ll see a Benchmark and Norton Razor Star fiber disc get put through their paces. The data from each test will be used to score each of them and ultimately bring you a winner after 40 tests. Yes, 40. We can’t wait to see whether we’ve been buying the right discs, or have been screwing it up for years.