
the car junkie daily magazine.


Fabrication How-To: #2 – DIY Engine Turning Any Sheet Metal. Dash Inserts, Gauge Panels, And So Much More!

Fabrication How-To: #2 – DIY Engine Turning Any Sheet Metal. Dash Inserts, Gauge Panels, And So Much More!

Engine turning is one of the most iconic ways to dress up a piece of sheet metal. Back in the early days of hot rodding, they would engine turn firewall panels, gauge panels, dash inserts, and more. Engine turned pieces became synonymous with racing and hot rods. Everything I’ve ever seen on how to do it involved a mill . But this technique doesn’t require any of that!

In this new series from our friends at Bennetts Customs Co in Australia we’re going to get a bunch of lessons on all kinds of fabrication projects. This one is the second and shows you how to DIY engine turn some sheet metal. Check it out, we’re sure you’ll dig it.

Video Description:

Tip #2: DIY Engine Turning

This DIY engine-turning technique can turn a simple sheet of metal into a unique piece of art, setting your hot rod apart from the rest. Here, it transformed the custom dash panel in Black Sunrise.

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