
the car junkie daily magazine.


Find A Traffic Light At The Swap Meet? Here’s How To Restore It

Find A Traffic Light At The Swap Meet? Here’s How To Restore It

I love finding all kinds of memorabilia and automotive items at the swap meet or flea market. You know, the kind of stuff that you want to put in your shop or hang on the wall in your game room or whatever. Street signs, speed limit signs, street lights, and signal or traffic lights are popular finds that make great decorator items in the house or shop. I’ve owned several traffic lights including a Red, Yellow, and Green model like the one in this video from Shot’s Life, and I’ve also had a couple of the Don’t Walk/Walk signs that light up. The inside of these things are pretty simple, they are just a light socket and some wiring in a big aluminum housing, but making one work right and look right still takes some work.

One of the things that has changed in recent years is the LED lights that are now found in a lot of traffic lights. Some of those are the lens and the light in one, where as the older ones like this one have a colored glass lens with a bulb behind it. In between those two models, you sometimes find them with plastic lenses. Getting the lenses to look nice with the light on or off is not impossible, but you might have to polish them. It is doable and you can do it at home.

Watch Shot go through this one and make it work like new so it is ready to hang in the garage.


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1 thoughts on “Find A Traffic Light At The Swap Meet? Here’s How To Restore It

  1. TheCapeCodKId

    I think every car guy should have a working traffic light in their garage ? I have a much larger plastic LED version that I bought at a town surplus auction for $20.00. I use the same controller he’s using and it’s quite a conversation piece when people come to my garage.

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