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Is This The Cheapest DIY Way To Preserve Your Wood Deck Trailer? Cause Free Is Good, But Is It Good Enough?

Is This The Cheapest DIY Way To Preserve Your Wood Deck Trailer? Cause Free Is Good, But Is It Good Enough?

I own two trailers, both of which are wood decked, and I’ve really only wished for one of them to have a steel deck on a couple of occasions. When you consider that I bought the trailer in question, a 1994 Carson, brand new and have only replaced the wood on it twice I’d say I’ve been pretty happy with it. But when the wood starts to go, it does kinda suck. I’ll have to put new wood on that trailer this year, but if I was buying another one I’d probably get wood again. It’s nicer when it is wet, it is more flexible when it comes to being able to attach tie down points, etc, etc. But this isn’t about wood vs steel. Nope, this is about preserving the wood that you have on your deck, and in this Bleepin Jeep video he puts this old school method to the test.

I’ve seen folks do this on wood trailers, wood bed floors, and more. So let’s see what the fuss is all about.

Video Description:

How To Keep Wood From Rotting For FREE. You can use this technique on fences, gates, trailers, decks, outdoor furniture, or just about any outdoor wood. After that we’ll take a look at the modifications to my trailer over the years that have made it better.

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