How To Build A Suqare Tubing Bender For $20 In 20 Minutes In Your Garage.

How To Build A Suqare Tubing Bender For $20 In 20 Minutes In Your Garage.

This is a pretty cool tool, that you can build in a matter of minutes with some scrap, a couple bearings, and one item you have to pick up at Walmart or the nearest sporting goods store. It’s a bender for square tubing that requires almost no fabrication. With a drill press and a couple of bits you can make this tool very easily. No welding even. Check it out and let us know what you think. I think this is a good one and would come in real handy.

Video Description:

In this video, I build a cheap bender for square steel tubing. It should be able to bend up to 20mm with a 1.6mm wall but will need to be bolted down with a stronger handlebar before I try that, the former’s are available in many sizes so with extra holes the bar will be able to be used on different former’s so the cost will not go up by much per size.

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