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Time Warp Custom Paint Shows A Custom Paint Project In Real Time: How to Layout Custom Paint Graphics Using LiME LiNE Tape: Live Q&A

Time Warp Custom Paint Shows A Custom Paint Project In Real Time: How to Layout Custom Paint Graphics Using LiME LiNE Tape: Live Q&A

I’m infatuated with custom paint techniques, and Time Warp Custom Paint has a great YouTube channel that features some fun content, and I’ve seen several cool project videos that just inspire me to get out and try some stuff out. One of the key skills, in fact maybe one of the most important, is laying out graphics with tape and masking in the correct order. So it will come as no surprise that when I saw this cool live session, where custom graphics are being laid out with thin fine line tape, and several paint techniques are being highlighted, that I would want to share it with all of you. So check out the video, let me know what you think, and also whether this will inspire you to take a stab at laying out some graphics for your own projects.

Video Description:

LiME LiNE Important Links 👇 https://linktr.ee/Timewarpcustompaint Join us for a live event on Time Warp Custom Paint’s YouTube channel every Thursday night at 7 PM California time! In this special episode sponsored by LiME LiNE, we will be using Fine Line tape to create a unique custom paint design over a dazzling metal flake base coat that has been meticulously sanded and prepared for the custom application. During the live stream, I will share valuable tips and tricks on designing patterns and how to navigate common challenges such as shrinking, lifting, and adhesion issues with Fine Line tape. Additionally, we will be awarding live prizes to lucky attendees, so be sure to participate by hashtagging #LimeIntoTheCommentsForAChanceToWin. A big thank you to LiME LiNE for partnering with us as our fantastic sponsor!

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