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Tool Test! Best Right Angle Impact Wrench: Milwaukee, Kobalt, Makita, Ingersoll Rand and Skil

Tool Test! Best Right Angle Impact Wrench: Milwaukee, Kobalt, Makita, Ingersoll Rand and Skil

The world of cordless tools has come so far in the past few years. It’s insane the number of tools you can get that are powered by rechargeable batteries, but because you can buy them at every price point folks are always wondering which ones are best and if you have to buy the most expensive tool in order to have one worth owning. In this latest video from Project Farm, cordless impact ratchets are put through their paces to see which one is best.

If you only own standard ratchets and have never owned an air ratchet, then you might not realize how convenient a powered ratchet really is. I’ve used air ratchets for years and they can really be a help when taking things apart especially because they work quickly even when you don’t have room to swing a traditional ratchet. That is probably the superpower of these units actually, and yet lots of home mechanics don’t use them.

In recent years they have become more popular as they have become cordless. After all, it is always nicer not to have to drag an air hose around with you. One other change that has come from them going cordless is that they have become available in impact version as well. These impact ratchets are easier to use and more powerful than some of the standard cordless ratchets so they might just be what you need. So if you are in the market for one, watch this video to see which one you might want to buy.

Video Description:

Impact Wrenches tested: Milwaukee M12 fuel, Milwaukee M18, Kobalt, Makita, and Ingersoll Rand. Impact wrenches compared against impact ratchets for size and performance. Impact wrenches tested for maximum tightening and loosening torque, efficiency under load, and efficiency driving freely moving fasteners. I purchased all of the impact ratchets and wrenches to ensure a fair and unbiased review. So, thank you for supporting the channel.

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