
the car junkie daily magazine.


Tools, Shop Supplies, And More That You Can’t Live Without: Fireball Tool’s Founder Jason Gives Us His List

Tools, Shop Supplies, And More That You Can’t Live Without: Fireball Tool’s Founder Jason Gives Us His List

Anyone who has ever spent any time visiting other workshops knows that you are always seeing some tool or fix or supply that you didn’t know about or think about for your own workshop. Those are the moments when you slap yourself on the side of the head and say “Why didn’t I think of that?” or “I didn’t even know something like that existed!” I know that when I opened my hot rod shop in the early 2000’s, I had no idea that a local ZEP representative would happily deliver cleaning supplies, hand cleaners, and shop supplies even though I was a little one-man shop. I had no idea the number of things I had access to that would help me until someone mentioned it or I saw it somewhere else.

Of course, it isn’t 2001 anymore so that means there are a lot more ways to find this stuff and that’s why so many folks have cool stuff in their home shops that you wouldn’t have expected 20 years ago.

In this video from Jason at Fireball Tools he is going over stuff that he couldn’t live without in his own shop. Some of it is stuff that Fireball makes and sells, but not all of it. Not by a long shot. So check it out, see if you learn something, and then get after it. It is the season for shop upgrades and working on projects so maybe some of this stuff will help you out on both counts.

Video Description:

In this video, I reveal the items in my shop I could not live without.

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