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Weighted Sockets = More Power. So is Heaviest Best? Physicist is stumped

Weighted Sockets = More Power. So is Heaviest Best? Physicist is stumped

If you’ve ever had a crank pulley bolt that won’t come out, you know what true frustration feels like. Hondas are famous for having a 19mm crank bolt that is exposed to the elements and that never EVER want to come out after their first installation. In response, tool manufacturers have created weighted sockets. These heavy sockets are able to break these tough-to-remove bolts loose and they do it with relative ease. But how do they really work? I mean is it just because they are heavy? Or is there some magic going on here?

Or is the magic just physics? Well, if someone wants to know then someone has to test and that means making sockets, not just trying out the ones you can buy from your tool supplier.

How heavy is too heavy? What kind of Frankenstein concoctions can the Torque Test Channel come up with to test them?


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