Make no mistake that Volkswagen was going to pay the moment that the defeat device was found at work on many popular diesel-equipped models. Cars that had been sold on the merits of “clean diesel” technology, the darlings of frugal and green-thinking types alike, were suddenly the automotive equivalent of the Exxon Valdez sitting in their driveways. There were demonstrations. There were investigations. There were idiots in Portland leaving snobby, self-righteous notes on Volkswagens that were even more toxic than the damn cars themselves. Arrests were made, massive lots of diesel-powered VW products sprang up, lawsuits are flying, and naturally there’s the shaming and reparations that must be made if Volkswagen was supposed to move forward…not that the over $20 billion dollars’ worth of financial impact didn’t do enough.
What you will see below is the first commercial from the Electrify America subsidiary of Volkswagen. Care to guess what the goal is of this group? Yep, that’s right…you, in the low-tech, stone-age internal-combustion engine vehicle, must be an absolute idiot to not be driving one of the new wave of electric vehicles. But you’ll note that the vehicles shown aren’t VW products. Instead, Volkswagen is showing off a Subaru Outback and a Chevrolet Bolt EV in their ad, and there is no mistaking the meaning when you hear the advertisement: the theme song to “The Flinstones” for the Subaru driver, and “The Jetsons” theme for the smiling, happy Bolt driver.
Ah, propaganda. Gotta love it, especially when the ones cranking it out are forced into doing it so that they look apologetic. Can’t wait to see what they crank out next. Maybe they’ll find the kid with the street-racing Tesla and pair him off against a 1969 Charger to put us hot rodders in our place once and for all.
(Courtesy: The Truth About Cars)
So, let me get this straight. Since I’ve been around for quite a while, and remember “rolling brown, and black-outs” when I grew up in New York, to hearing about them every summer in California, how is it we’re going to have the power to charge the batteries in our electric cars? As it is, the big hit to power usage is when people get home from work at night. Already we have power shortages. Brownouts. Blackouts. So now to this, we’re going to add the whole of the population charging their cars. The source of this additional energy need is what? Wind? BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!
They missed the obvious slogan that would have everybody talking about them: “VW Electrify America – because you can’t cheat tailpipe emissions without a tailpipe!”
First they gouged and taxed us to death for fuel (still going on), now the dawn of a new era; charging station gouging and punshing over taxation. Protesters won’t pour gas on themselves and strike a match anymore, they’ll toss themselves onto power grids. The more things change the more they stay the same…
Time to roll some coal all over their smug millennial voltswagons
I just want to know where the cheap TDI engines are at? So many Suzuki Samurais waiting for German heart transplants.