
the car junkie daily magazine.


The 2010 Detroit Autorama Great 8

The 2010 Detroit Autorama Great 8

The big deal for show car builders at the Detroit Autorama is to try and win the ultimate trophy, the Ridler Award. This was named for former show promoter Don Ridler and is presented to the best car that has never been displayed in before the Autorama. As a build up to the Ridler announcement, the judges select the Great 8. One of the Great 8 cars will be named as the Ridler Award winner on Sunday at the show, and it’s a big honor just to be selected for the 8.

Here are the Detroit Autorama Great 8 for 2010, in no real order. Not that our opinion on big dollar show cars matters even a little, but we like Scott Burton’s 1933 Ford best, but we think Richard Udell’s 1932 roadster is going to win. After you take this initial glimpse here, click for a full gallery of the Great 8 with detail shots.

Bill and Sue Keck’s 1937 Chevy Master Deluxe

Bill Keck 1937 Chevy


Tammy Ray’s 1934 Ford Phaeton UPDATE: This car won the 2010 Ridler Award

Tammy Ray 1934 Ford


Richard and Paige Udel’s 1932 Ford roadster

Richard Udel 1932 roadster


John Raxas 1934 Packard

John Raxas 1934 Packard


Robert Walrch 1933 Ford Victoria

Robert Walrich 1933 Ford


Jim Linton’s 1934 Ford

Jim Linton 1934 Ford


Scott Burton’s 1933 Ford

Scott Burton 1933 Ford


Steve’s Auto Restoration 1933 Dodge

Steve's Auto 1933 Dodge

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