We know that for the majority of you out there in BangShift reader-land, something like checking the voltage output of your battery is old hat. You have done it a million times, you know the right way to get it done, what it should be, and how to avoid the pitfalls of an incorrect measurement. Well, we also know that there’s a bunch of you out there who are younger, are just getting your feet wet in this stuff and want to learn. This video is mostly for you, but we’d tell everyone to give it a quick peek.
Our buddy Jim from Optima takes us through this quick process, provides some tips and insight into the reasoning behind testing the way he does and then gives the parameters as well. It is one thing to know how to get the numbers by testing, it is wholly another to understand what those numbers actually mean and what they should be.
Of course Jim is using an Optima battery here but this lesson applies right across the board. This is quick, this is easy, and this is something that either already knew or you do now.