It was a day that left everyone sickened. The news reports were a mile-a-minute and so unbelievable that people were wondering if they were seeing a new movie or real life. Sadly, it was as real as it got on the morning of September 11th, 2001. The weeks that followed was filled with anger, sadness, fury, and a sense of unification that brought neighbors together, communities together. People lined up to help for whatever they could do, be it raise money to assist, help dig through the rubble at Ground Zero, or to sign up for military service or first responder duty. It was an event that brought everybody together, because we needed to be together after the horrors that had transpired.
Today isn’t the kind of day to celebrate, to honor, or to get political. Today is the day to simply remember those who willingly ran into danger simply to help their fellow man, those whose lives were ended, and the families that were afflicted. Take a moment, remember the feelings that you experienced.
“Lord, take me where you want me to go.
Let me meet who you want me to meet.
Tell me what you want me to say,
And keep me out of your way.” – Father Mychal Judge
Lets not forget what happened in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012 when the US embassy was attacked on this day, the people who died there should also not be forgotten.
What about the thousands that died looking for WMDs in Iraq? Could you image if a Democratic president had lied about WMDs? You Kool Aid drinking mask haters would be losing your mind.
Kevin, I happen to be a RETIRED MILITARY VETERAN of Iraq and Afganistan, so don’t jump on my shit! I was simply trying point out that we had our US embassy attacked that day and to remember those that died in Libya, while keeping it none political. LIGHTEN UP ASSHOLE!
Fuck you, we know what you meant. Why not remember everyone killed over seas then? You close Libya for a reason.
Inside job if there ever was one.
The earth flat too?
Speaking of Kool Aid…
What happened to the “No politics” rule for comments on BangShift?
I take comfort knowing that the last thing Osama bin Laden saw in this life was a United States Navy Seal pointing a rifle at his face. I can only imagine the terror that he felt at that moment when he knew he was going to die at the hand of a person from a country that he despised.
Quote from a new face of the democrat party:
“Some people did something”
Better remember this in a few months
Mctaggart very well said can’t believe it’s been 19 years since that tragic day may god bless those souls