I actually had to walk away from the computer after seeing this video. I’m not being facetious in the least…this tripped my temper. Two German tourists were driving around Las Vegas when they were pulled over for speeding. So far, nothing to worry about. The cop approaches, asks the usual “license and registration” round, and once he becomes aware that he has tourists on his hands, the cop’s mood takes a decidedly darker turn. Whatever bad day he was having gets refocused onto the car’s occupants as he turns a regular traffic stop into a lesson on how speeding in America leads to sodomy in prison repeatedly, punctuated by hostility and a threatening posture.
It isn’t too surprising that the tourists were pulled over for speeding. While I haven’t been able to locate just exactly where in the Las Vegas area they were pulled over, the sounds indicate one of the major highways or Interstates that are in the region. The posted limit on most of those roadways varies between 65-75 miles an hour, and I speak from experience that if you are doing the speed limit anytime other than the middle of the night the locals will run you right the hell over. Speeding in Las Vegas is a necessity to not become a traffic obstruction, and in certain areas (around The Strip, McCarran Airport and I-215 coming in from Boulder City especially) that would potentially be more dangerous than speeding.
Then there’s the cop himself. I understand that he was trying to make a point about the dangers of speeding, but to resort to threatening two Germans with prison rape? Isn’t that well beyond excessive? I’m not one for being politically correct, not at all, but threatening two compliant and polite foreign tourists with implied sodomy just infuriates me. If they were caught doing 92 mph on Las Vegas Boulevard, just go straight for the arrest, sure. If they were moving on I-15 north of the city with flowing traffic, it doesn’t mean that they weren’t breaking the law (of course they were), but does it warrant the same reaction? Were they just driving with traffic or were they weaving and flying past the other cars? There’s a lot we don’t know about this video, but from what I can tell, the car’s occupants knew they were had dead-to-rights, were professional, polite and were ready to accept whatever they had coming, ticket included. The cop went above and beyond in the asshole department, and as a result there’s now a video of an American police officer going off like a cannon when it wasn’t warranted.
Way to go.
I won’t say this is NSFW, but I’d be cautious, just in case.
(via Car Throttle)
Bryan, I know your shocked. But in this politically correct world you cant’s say anything anymore. When I was a young hot rodder I was yelled at worse. After the crap scared the crap out of me I learned a lessen. In the end they always let me go with a warning.
Sorry about my typing skills.
We’ve all been pulled over and yelled at by police. I bet none of them every threatened you with the idea of @ss rape for speeding though. That’s out of line, and quite frankly, pretty sick. Lots of other, more appropriate threats could have been spoken.
How about putting a gun to your temple for doing a hole shot. That’s Chicago style.
What the cop didn’t realise that Baron Pumperloaf – the demented bread-boffer had just got out of the car to answer a call off nature. When he saw the rear end of a hunky American policeman just waiting for his attention – they said you could have heard his screams from 5 miles away even above the traffic noise!
“It is written on your badge, ‘to serve and protect’
It seems you only served yourself, protecting your own neck.
Controlling with fear, menacing and threatening.
You want my respect, you’d better start respecting me.”
this guy doesn’t hold a candle to some of the jack booted thugs I’ve been yelled at by.
Ah yes, Get your riot gear! I love me some Five Iron Frenzy!
Most cops today are major control freak assholes! Yeah it’s true.Remember when we were kids and told cops were our friends not any more. Be fearful hell yes.
The poilceman could have got his point across with out all of that.
not much of an ambassador for the country, but yeah, 98 in a 70 will get you an ass chewing by almost any cop.
It’s a pretty crappy job they have anyway, and there are plenty of turds applying to do it. City cops here range from excellent to dirtball with an emphasis on dirtball. The Highway Patrol here is usually first rate, but you can expect to get a lecture for 28 over. Even in sin city / disneyland.
I got stopped by my local police while walking.WALKING IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD.
The clueless officer ran a national murder check,then ran a thorough local check.He informed that “IF” the searches came back clean,I could go.
This is the crap that gives the decent,hardworking,caring PUBLIC SERVANTS a bad name.
That looks to be a California Highway Patrol officer. I’d say it was on I15 south of Las Vegas in California near the state line. Highest speed limit in CA is 70 MPH. The German is lucky he got off with only a warning.
98 in a 70 zone in a rental sounds normal to me, he had probably just slowed down from 100 or more. LOL
Complete lack of professionalism. Do your job, but don’t be a dick. It’s that simple.
Gee, a cop being a complete and utter asshole………what a suprise
why are you driving in my country?
98 on the I15 is not even keeping up with most traffic. The rental car i had one time while staying in Primm had a 110 mph speed limiter and at it’s tach-fluttering speed of 109.9 i was getting passed a lot. Ten days in a row of going to the track (half hour) or SEMA (15 minutes) and never saw a cop with a car pulled over.
There is no excuse for being so unprofessional.
I agree, totally unprofessional prick. Unfortunately police departments are forced to recruit from the human race.
Wow…. I hope they handed the video to the nearest police station. Thats out of order regardless of the factors that are unknown.
WATCH what you say and how you SAY it ! His point was legitimate …..
However ….. ” don’t make threats ” Threats come from those with ”
” A High School Mentality Level ” !!!
The Officer was out of line. Everything from the words he chose to the tone of his voice was unprofessional. The driver was in the wrong, give him a talking to and a ticket. I hope this video gets brought to the attention of that Officers Superiors and their training department.