When the Goodguys Rod and Custom Association rolls into Del Mar California each spring, hot rods from all the western states and beyond flock to the Del Mar Fairgrounds for some of the finest weather and cars in the country, and we’ve got great footage for you to see. With waves crashing just off the western side of the grounds, the smell of sea air, beautiful Califronia sunshine, and the smell of high octane fuel all come together. If you couldn’t be there in person, or want to see your car, you need to watch this video.
Goodguys has partnered with Route2Media and will have great video coverage from some of the biggest shows and Goodguys Autocross events of 2011, so make sure you hit your favortie Goodguys show and become a star.
To find the next must attend Goodguys show or Autocross event, check out the Goodguys here.