The Speed by Spectre ‘Liner will be running at Bonneville next week and we’ll be there to cover it. Chad will be bringing the fight to the salt starting on Monday. But we digress. If you’ve ever wondered what it is like to drive a streamliner 350mph, we’ve got a good video for you.
Amir Rosenbau, is the man behind Project Fat Cad and he also runs Spectre Performance. They have a streamliner powered by turbocharged Cadillac engines and it is a record holder on the great white dyno. In this video, Amir narrates every aspect of this run at Bonneville from the push truck to the turn off road and it is wild stuff. Making 90-degree steering inputs at more than 300mph would make any normal person whiz their firesuit. Thankfully Amir is no normal person!
Press play below!
How’s “our” wife? “We” need to know.
Sorry, but I’m not into the rat rod stuff. A rod in primer is one thing. Throwing a pile of dogsh*t together and calling it a hot rod is something different. Also, I don’t need to pay for something I really don’t want to read. Yes, I read more than the captions.
Last issue I got there was a cool article on Linda but oher than that I haven’t been that impressed with the magazine in the past year.
As for Car Crap and (un)Popular Hot Rodding, I haven’t seen an issue of them in about 7 years,let alone buy one. They are a far cry of what they once were in the ’60’s and ’70’s.
I get Drag Racer, Drag Racing Action ,and Area Auto Racing News by subscription. The rest,including National Dragster, I dropped. They only end up in the recycling can anyway. Christ, if I saved every issue of every car rag that came out, my house would look like one of those places on that “Hoarders” show. Grin
If I see an issue with alot of cool stuff on the stands I’ll buy it. I just am not into all the stuff they do.
I will definitely check out this new magazine and if it is good I will buy it.