Thirty minutes straight of information regarding the Slant Six engine that Chrysler cranked out for over forty years straight (1959-2000) from the mind of one man should be enough when it’s just about theory and basic setups, right? I mean, we aren’t talking about how to properly rebuild the block in the old Aspen that used to belong to someone’s grandma in the family or how to get 600 horsepower out of the engine that was plucked out of a rotting 1980s Dodge truck, we’re talking basic theory, Slant 101. Well, when the professor is Uncle Tony, you need more than just a half hour. You need to provide enough time for him to make sure that there isn’t something he forgot, or something he meant to go back to but didn’t the first time around. The amount of knowledge that Tony DeFeo has forgotten over the years is impressive, let alone what he actually knows. And when it comes to Chrysler’s anvil of an engine, you are dealing with it’s #1 fan.
So, back with even more information, with the 12.99 Dart in the background to provide food for thought, on an absolutely nasty, rainy day in the mid-South region…and outdoors, for what reason we’ll never know…the master is back to dispense even more wisdom about the Chrysler Slant Six, from the rare aluminum blocks to what is the best power adder for what you are trying to accomplish. And, just for a final bit of punctuation on this lesson, you’ll get to hear that Swiss Cheese’d Dart do it’s thing in proper anger. If nothing else, check out that noise!