
the car junkie daily magazine.


Video Bonanza: A Collection of Hilarious Car Wash Failures Featuring Complete Morons and Lunatics

Video Bonanza: A Collection of Hilarious Car Wash Failures Featuring Complete Morons and Lunatics

Next to screwing up a free lunch, wrecking your car and/or causing serious damage to it while inside a car wash seems a tough thing to do. At some places you literally drive in, pull up until a little red light comes on and then wait until the green light comes on to leave. Apes have been trained to do more complicated tasks…and yet we have all of the videos below. From two morons who lose the handle on a high pressure hose, allowing said hose to beat and torment them, to an old man who freaked out and wrecked both ends of his car along with the vast majority of an automated car wash because he wasn’t happy with waiting, these videos showcase a dimly lit corner of the populous that we should all fear.

Each video is seemingly more surreal than the next. From the guy getting a door ripped off to the dude who amazingly got out of his car and then felt the wrath of the washing rig, there’s no telling what was happening when these Einsteins made their decision to “break” the rules inside the sanctuary of the car wash. We don’t know how this stuff happens but we’re damned happy that it was caught on tape.



Imagine if you will, a car wash so agressive and terrifying that two grown men are powerless to harness its power. These two unfortunate souls showed up to wash their yellow Jeep but instead found themselves getting their asses kicked by a hose and water. Seriously.


This video appears to come from Europe. We say that because of the long license plate on the car. This driver must have had something very scary happen inside his car while he was sitting in the middle of the automated car wash. Why else would he get out? Our favorite part is when the driver walks off camera covered in foamy soap. There is no limit to human stupidity.


This genius is in the middle of the wash cycle with the unit working around his Chevy Suburban. All seems to be OK until the guy notices something he wants to grab off the windshield. His timing is amazing because as he opens his door, the wash unit slides back and effectively tries to rip said door off the truck. Now completely stuck, the wash unit begins to drag the truck backward until the driver can force it out of danger after ripping his door closed. Wow.

This video, research tells us is of an old man who got tired of waiting to have his car pulled into the car wash and flipped out. This guy goes totally nuts and manages to wreck both ends of his car, crash an innocent victim, and attempt to destroy the very car wash that was about to tidy up his automobile. Luckily no one appears to ger hurt, but this guy completed loses it and his car is the one that bears the brunt of his nuttiness.


Sure everyone is speaking German, but the guy in the BMW is speaking dumbass and that’s a language we can all understand. Everything seems to be going OK until the car starts to roll toward the washing unit and the driver apparently tries to set the car wash speed record and drives full throttle “through” the washer. The car rams through hanging brushes and rollers before hitting something big enough to stop it. Can you imagine calling the manager after this happened. Hans….you’re fired!

This disaster appears to happen in a foreign country. We don’t recognize the car and we don’t think that we have ever seen a free-standing washer rig just sitting in the open for a car to pass through. Also, we’re not sure that we have ever seen someone at an American car wash open the doors of the car and spray the high pressure hose INSIDE the vehicle to clean it up. This must be the “presidential” wash or something of that nature. Anyway, the sprayer dude finishes his work and then the customer proceeds to ram the car fill throttle into the washing rig, knocking it down on top of the car and causing complete havoc. The heavy set guy does the sensible thing, which is to jump up on a metal fence that appears to have several LARGE power lines laying on it. Thankfully he does not fry, but we’re guessing a stress heart attack may have been induced by this madness.

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1 thoughts on “Video Bonanza: A Collection of Hilarious Car Wash Failures Featuring Complete Morons and Lunatics

  1. KCR

    THe real scary part about all of this is. We drive with our families on the same roads as these idiots.

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