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Carnage Video: Dude Crashes in Street Race, Posts Video, Gets Hit For Insurance Fraud

Carnage Video: Dude Crashes in Street Race, Posts Video, Gets Hit For Insurance Fraud

If you’re not familiar with the Nissan GT-R supercar, it’s an import-car legend that, in 2009 US trim, is packing a twin turbo V6 with 480 hp. It weighs 3,800 pounds and can run 190 mph. They also cost nearly $100,000 out the door. That might explain how brother and sister Jay and Tracy Chen had a $76,000 insurance claim after a fender bender in their GT-R.

The problem came when the insurance company spotted a YouTube video that depicted the same car crashing in a street race and inflicting the damage that was reported in the claim. Now Jay has been charged with six counts of felony insurance fraud, while his sister has just one to deal with.

Source — CBS News — Driving While Stupid

Here’s the video that got the pair in trouble. It’s dull, so jump to 1:50 for the crash and to 2:20 for the carnage photos.


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