Chasin’ Waterfalls: The Waterfall At Busted Knuckle Off-Road Park Gets Challenged!

Chasin’ Waterfalls: The Waterfall At Busted Knuckle Off-Road Park Gets Challenged!

If you don’t know who or what Busted Knuckle is, and you’re into off-roading at all, you need to get that fixed. These are the guys behind a lot of the rockbouncer videos we have shown you over the years, as well as the Barbie Jeep videos. They live and breathe off-roading…so much so, in fact, that they have their own ORV park in Alabama near Stevenson. That’s commitment! As expected for people who follow rockbouncers, the ORV park isn’t just a mild joyride through the woods…there’s some legit obstacles that will put even the toughest buggy to the test. This particular one is The Waterfall, a pretty much vertical shot up slick rocks. Even with the added boulders at the bottom of the falls, this isn’t an easy shot to take. Too much power and you’ll risk flipping over. Too little power and you’ll just put the rig vertical and spin tires. Is making it up Waterfall about driver skill, suspension setup or sheer luck? Click below and see if you can tell.

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1 thoughts on “Chasin’ Waterfalls: The Waterfall At Busted Knuckle Off-Road Park Gets Challenged!

  1. Mike

    This is so cool. High horsepower rock bouncers attacking climbs like they were made to do. Lots of tire spinning, engine screaming fun. Add in the audience and it looks like a good time to me. Keep it up guys.

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