
the car junkie daily magazine.


Cool Old Video: A Turbine Powered 1962 Dodge Drives Across the Country

Cool Old Video: A Turbine Powered 1962 Dodge Drives Across the Country

Chrysler’s efforts with turbine-powered cars in the mid-’60s are pretty well known. What many people don’t know or don’t remember is that Chrysler was messing with turbines in their cars all the way back in the early ’50s. By the beginning of the ’60s, the company was trying to show how far they had come in the development of a turbine powered car, so they devised some publicity stunts. This video is of a cross country trip made in the “Dodge Turbo Dart” in late 1961. The trip took four days and the car worked great!

This video, complete with sound of the car whizzing away, is a window back into the era where the Big Three had the world by the nuts and were capable of trying and doing some very out of the box stuff.



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