Holy friggin’ awesome. This video ranks in the top three of the coolest we’ve ever spied on YouTube. It’s in-car footage of a guy taking his very healthy 1970 Dodge Challenger out on the German Autobahn and twisting the 140-mph speedo right off the end of the scale! Between the sounds the car is making, the little inset shot of the speedo, and the fact that slow cars get the hell out of the way as he hauls by, this is high speed nirvana.
It’s so cool, it almost makes up for the fact this dude is wearing a ring on his index finger, and stole Eddy Vedder’s hair and shirt.
The car seems stable enough at speed and this is one of the few videos that really gives you a sense of just how fast 140 mph is. When he backs the Dodge down to about 80 mph, it seems like he is crawling! Crank up the speakers and listen to the Mopar mill sing!