
the car junkie daily magazine.


Crazy Video: Incredible Snow Driving Carnage on a Utah Street 10+ Wrecks Caught on Camera!

Crazy Video: Incredible Snow Driving Carnage on a Utah Street 10+ Wrecks Caught on Camera!

The northern parts of the country have been smacked pretty well with snow recently. That means lots of traffic, crashes, and people who have no business driving getting exposed as the no talent drones that they are. This video was shot by a guy from the front yard of his house during a snow storm in Utah. There are probably a dozen or so crashes, close calls, and cars bouncing off of one another  in what seems to be about three inches of snow.

Speed is one of the most critical elements of driving in the snow because stopping is the biggest problem. To see the way that lots of people in this video are driving in rough conditions really blows our mind. Starting off slow, the action really does not get good until about one minute in. Some of the more insane things you’ll see include (but are not limited to) cars sliding into huge plow trucks, cars sliding completely into the woods, and an epic broadside impact when a Crown Vic hits a Toyota truck with an amazing amount of force near the end of the video.

If there is snow on the ground, slow down! The 4×4 or AWD car may accelerate like a mother but it will stop like an Italian cruise ship if you aren’t lucky!

Thanks to Randal for the tip!

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13 thoughts on “Crazy Video: Incredible Snow Driving Carnage on a Utah Street 10+ Wrecks Caught on Camera!

  1. K

    How about being a good citizen, going to the top of the hill and warning people from entering the roadway.

    Or is getting good video more valuable than saving a life / preventing injury or damage?


      This was close to my house. 400 North is a road with a steep grade…comes right of the mountain. They talked to the film guy on the news. A couple of this guys buddies went to the top of the hill and warned people about the ICE. Some people refused to listen and said they would be fine. Problem was is had been raining hard, and the cold front came in quickly, turning all that precip into ice and laying a coat of snow on it only makes it worse.


    That’s not just snow. That’s ice. Perfect example of the precipitation starting when the road surface is barely above freezing and then the temperature drops before the salt trucks come through.

    Watched a very similar situate develop here about a week ago.

    As far as being a good Samaritan, that will just get you on the wrong end of a car versus pedestrian impact.

  3. Rick Fehenback

    People, when it snows do not go out unless you have to. make sure you have snow chains on and drop you speed down to a crawl. Driving in snow is dangerous as it is. Drive very careful and be safe.

    1. Tracey

      Gee,Rick. Maybe in areas that hardly ever get snow but the rest of us have been through enough winter snow to still be able to function without our tails tucked between our legs.

      This video is just an example of why it should be much more difficult to get a driverlicensese.

  4. shrekracer

    the guy that filmed it is on the bullet, he said the road is 3 miles long hill to drive up or done. And look how fast some of the people are trying to drive. So if you want to go stand out in the snow and try warning people with out getting hit be my guess. Look at half the cars with no chains/cables and no 4wd with proper tires. Its not the persons recordings fault, its the people with no common since.. I just call the police or city and stand back and watch… look at the smart peole that wait be hind the snow plow to follow up the road. look how many just tried to pass eachother on a two way road.

  5. Greg

    They were smart to stay in the house. No place else was safe. Besides, the morons should have been able to see what was going on, and they just kept driving around the stopped vehicles on top of the hill. And at one point three across!

  6. Anthony

    Use neutral on the downward slopes it works great, keep it to a crawl .Ive driven in too many storms not to know.

  7. Eliteman76

    Being a resident of Nebraska, frankly I was laughing my ass off at the stupidity of the drivers.
    I know in many of the cases…hell, that would have been me many moons ago.

    When it’s like this, I STAY THE HELL HOME.

    We have had such a mild winter with little to no snow, but it’s the same here, hills can become a death zone because people don’t think to get the hell out of the roadway after a wreck. Scary stuff with that crown vic and the SUV/ snow plow impact

  8. Ermott

    So, I spend five minutes typing a comment, miss a character on he “human captcha” thing, use the back button as requested and my comment is gone.

    Gezus bloody hell guys. What sort of a Micky mouse operation is this site becoming?

    I had typed Blah, blah, blah… It’s like watching lemmings… blah blah blah.

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