
the car junkie daily magazine.


Creepy Video: A Demo Derby Goes Wrong and A Mondo Speaker is Launched Into the Crowd

Creepy Video: A Demo Derby Goes Wrong and A Mondo Speaker is Launched Into the Crowd

The demolition derby is an American institution. We have a carnal fascination with car wrecks, so the idea of packaging them up in a pen and having a couple hundred of them at once appeals to people on a large scale. Things in this demo derby video are going along swimmingly until disaster strikes one competitor and he ends up climbing up a large log that makes for the side barrier to the derby ring. Another competitor comes up behind him and gives him a good blast, launching him up the log and into a speaker pole, which launches said speaker into the crowd. 

We read that one woman was injured and that the speaker landed right next to a baby, which would have been beyond tragic.

One other thing to note. Check out the cars they are wrecking! This is legit vintage steel! All the derbies around here have been reduced to junky 1990s clunkers for combat because all the old stuff has either rusted up or been saved for restoration.

How many of the cars can you name in the ring?


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