We tend to think that America holds the sole proprietorship to demolition derbies. The first video below will show that the English are gaining on us and adding their own brand of comedy with the Reliant Robin demo derby. Best of all, they do it on a circle track so it’s like a real race. These cars are three-wheelers that were ideally prepared for demolition the day they rolled off the assembly line. Robins were built from 1973 to 1981 and are rear-wheel drive with the single front wheel doing the steering, sort of. The rollovers here are non stop.
The good news is that we Yank rednecks are bringin’ it back with both tractor and combine derbies. Watch.
Three-wheeled Reliant Robin demo derby
Combine demo derby
Tractor demo derby
Which one’s Deaf Bob?
If I still drove, a titty pink car!
Pickups look like they hurt!
The Reliant Robins are a series in the Banger Racing Championship. If you’re ever in the UK then it’s well worth checking out some Banger Racing, it’s a great night’s entertainment although a little “Redneck”.