
the car junkie daily magazine.


Donk On Ice: Video Of A Donked-Out Caprice Trapped On Ice Sums Up The Southern Ice/Snow Catastrophe In A Nutshell

Donk On Ice: Video Of A Donked-Out Caprice Trapped On Ice Sums Up The Southern Ice/Snow Catastrophe In A Nutshell
We have seen the images from Atlanta to Alabama of trapped cars, wrecked trucks, and people stranded on highways because of ice and snow conditions that descended on otherwise warm places. Who is to blame for the Atlanta gridlock? Why does no one there know how to drive on anything but dry asphalt? Did Chipper Jones really jump on a four wheeler and start rescuing people from the plugged highways? Will any of those highways ever been freed up again? How do we prevent something like this from happening in the future? All of those are the types of questions that responsible and upstanding news gathering outfits ask.
We’re just going to show you this hilarious video of a guy in a donk Caprice trying to get across an intersection and failing horribly.

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22 thoughts on “Donk On Ice: Video Of A Donked-Out Caprice Trapped On Ice Sums Up The Southern Ice/Snow Catastrophe In A Nutshell

  1. Kyle

    well definitely know this was in the states…. In Canada instead of laughing at this guy we would’ve helped him out
    some peoples kids

    1. Juan

      Very true , Kyle. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and working with MANY Canadians, I’ve never met one I didn’t like!

  2. 944tim

    don’t particularly care for the look, but I can respect work done to achieve a goal. even a drift car or ricer/ This vid is just as hilarious as some suburban SUV driver forgetting that he has 4wd

  3. Matt Cramer

    I’ve sometimes thought it would be hillarious to build an AWD, off road capable donk. Maybe by putting S10 parts on the front end of a G-body.

    1. threedoor

      Most of the Donk g-body guys use a lot of s10 parts, lift spindles and outers from what Ive seen

  4. Germ

    Ah hell he should of known that those fancy tires weren’t for driving in winter….silly rabbit. You know I actually like these stupid cars but I want to put 15s and mud tires on them instead. Then use’em like a truck. I think it would be fun. A lot of people been giving Atlanta hell over this storm but you know people don’t know how to drive when it is dry let alone when it is wet. And honestly you can’t drive on ice. Whose to blame? Who ever will take the fall first. Truth lies some where in the middle. People make fun of people in the south because they can’t drive in the snow. This isn’t snow this is ice. Hell I can ride a bike in snow not on ice though…..

    1. Turd for one

      Also how come it was ok to make fun of this poor fella. I mean if it were a nice looking woman in heels everybody would be out of their car to help. I bet this fella felt like an ass having to be stuck in the intersection. That would suck. I would of got out and help. This is the reason I hate smart phones and such. Too many people have too much time on their hands to post crap to facebook and youtube to not care about their fellow man. Then people get pissed when people post pics of their failure. I wonder if the folks in the car taking video got stuck in traffic later and slept in their car?

      1. Anonymous

        I love these caprices and minus the wheels toabout 17 inches it would be cool. I was stuck like that three times this year already with my 87 GTA with BFG KDW’s on it. I really hope my daughter gives me my bravada back soon!

  5. BSD302

    Can’t believe they just sat there and filmed it instead of getting off the arses and giving the poor guy a hand!

  6. Tony

    Just goes to show you that people have nothing better to do with themselves in this world other than revel in other peoples misery……

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