Finnegan shows up with all kinds of crap at any given time, and most of the time those cars and trucks are nothing that his lovely wife much cares about or cares for. On occasion though he gets something she really does like, and in this particular case that’s a really really good thing because it was their wedding anniversary. And not just any anniversary, this was their 15th. That’s pretty special, and a cool milestone. Over those 15 years, they’ve been through the kids, career changes, moves across the country, and who knows how many boats, cars, and trucks.
In this video you’ll see the new acquisition, see it break, see it go cross country with the boys on Rocky Mountain Race Week 2.0, see the reaction, and more. Oh, and there is a bunch of Newbern and Cotten, which is epic on its own. These two are so stupid and so fun together. Like an old married couple, the two of them just seem to make everyone around them either cringe, or laugh, or cry. Regardless it is entertaining as hell. Oh and the boys also do some in traffic customization on Square Force One, as well as more of the Finnanigans you expect from these folks.
Watch, it’s a cool surprise, and it is fun to watch for sure.