People never learn, plain and simple. We’ll say it slowly, but no one will listen. If you own a race car, racing motorcycle, racing mini-bike, racing anything, do not ever put it on a public street to show off. Nothing, and we mean nothing good can come of it. Time and time again videos and stories surface of stuff blowing up, people crashing, people smoking their clutch, people getting into horrific accident, and yet, here we are again!
We think this video was shot somewhere in Europe, which doesn’t really matter, but we thought it was worth mentioning. All the classic elements are in place. There’s the bad Larry Harley drag bike, a piece of dead straight road, excited onlookers, and a rider amped up to give all the people a show!
What could possibly go wrong? Make SURE you stick around for the end. That is the payoff. It rules.