(Editor’s Note: We’ll be slipping in some of our favorite, most popular, most hated, and fun items from 2013 as we speed to 2014. This one ran just after 2013 started and it became an instant classic.) We were tipped off to this video by Jon Sandahl who sent an email simply entitled, “yikes”. Frankly, when we get something like that we know it is going to be gold, and this is 24-carat action. We do no know know what region of the country it was filmed in, but going on the circumstantial evidence of a super clean 1980s Chevy truck, it has to be down south or out west. Those things are mostly rusted in half everywhere else in the world. We see the Chevy loaded to the gunwales with used tires and we also see a 1990s era Dodge Ram with a twin axle trailer parked and waiting to apparently receive the Chevy as a payload.
Things go from interesting to hilarious when the guys try to drive the Chevy up on the trailer and the Dodge truck is either (a) in neutral or (b) in gear without the brake set and then popped into neutral or (c) piloted by a ghost with a sense of humor. With the front wheels of the Chevy on the trailer, the Dodge begins to roll away, driverless. Apparently the guy in the Chevy is the owner of the Dodge and his stooge…err..partner is just there as a spectator because he makes no desperate effort to get to the Dodge before the whole operation folds up on itself like it’s part of a sketch comedy gag.
This is A-freaking material.
Press play to see things go from weird to completely sublime and a Dodge get all kinds of banged up in the process!
I always wonder why someone had the foresight to take video of something like this. In this case it appears to have been shot from inside a service bay, perhaps they already knew the guy was a boob and expected something to go wrong.
It always amazes me too. That and when people are video’ing themselves somewhere alone, then something ridiculous happens, and they still post the video! I thank them, but don’t get it.
I bet somewhere theres a red bed to match that red front fender
My guess is that with the weight of the chevy on the end of the trailer unloaded the rear of the dodge and just pushed it downhill, the dodge I bet was still in park/parking brake set. That is why I always throw something under the tail of the trailer to keep it from picking up the rear of the tow pig. Do love how it was videoed like they knew something was going to happen.
Thankfully, quick reation on the part of the driver saved from further damage…
Thank God he made rednecks! They make normal people feel good,
How did the camera man keep it together. I would of been laughing hysterically. I wonder if he thought the trailer would collapse under the weight or maybe was too narrow for the truck, then happen to stumble upon comedy gold.
The Chevy truck didn’t even hit the brakes.
I love the “shet” comment, made me lol
Parking brake on?
Wheels chocked?
F*ck chocks, just nail it.
Get er dun at least there is BBQ shack across the street
These guys are pretty SPECIAL – but not in a good way.
The guy in the singlet looks surprised WTF
That’s Moe and Curly but I don’t see Larry.
He was the guy filming it.
Somehow the used car dealer knew this wouldn’t end well and thankfully filmed it for our entertainment. Must know Stooge 1 and Stooge 2.
They must be related to these guys…
WOW! just WOW! And they let these Bozos out alone?
I drive for a living, and the first thing that stands out in my mind is that these idiots have no clue as to what they’re doing. Let’s start…
1) That trailer is NOT rated for the weight of that Chevy EMPTY, much less loaded down with tires. Would’ve been right at capacity had they simply offloaded the tirs from the Chevy to the trailer itself. That would be something for lawnmowers/small garden tractors/small front-drive shitbox car.
2) Keeping with the inadequte laod capacities, hauling that much weight with a wimpy ball-hitch? asking for trouble…pintle hitch territory there.
3) NEVER load with your rig facing downhill if it can be avoided…something I learned early on when I used to run flatbed/lowboy heavy-haul. Sure, it may help when offloading/reloading an unpowered ’68 Javelin with the spider gears welded up in a mall parking lot while getting the stink eye from some Prius-driving mall cop(good times), but there’s always the chance of momentum carrying it right over the front of the trailer and parking it in the back of a tow vehicle(not to be TOO specific…LMAO)
4) that Dodge looks like a 1/2-ton affair…..I don’t care what the old TV ads claim, pulling a load like that with anything under 3/4 ton is asking for trouble. Not enough frame strength/suspension/brakes to handle those kinds of forces.Lucky it didn’t fold the frame like a piece of tinfoil.
All that being said, I laughed and cringed simultaneously while watching…made it all the more ironic that the driver/owner was seemingly all pissy with his “helper”…LOL