If You Can’t Be Good, Make It Look Good: This Ford Falcon XW Goes For The Sky At Sydney!

If You Can’t Be Good, Make It Look Good: This Ford Falcon XW Goes For The Sky At Sydney!

Going wheels-up does nothing for your dragstrip run except impress anybody who witnesses it…and possibly helps lighten the racing package after the driver proceeds to fill their shorts. This isn’t a paper-slider wheelie. This isn’t a wheels-up launch that’s right on point for a good run. This is the driver, hanging from the steering wheel while seeing an angle of the horizon normally reserved for fighter pilots, wondering just how in the hell they got themselves into this mess, but more importantly, how they are going to get themselves out of said mess in one piece. “FAIRXW” here is the race car of Dandy Engines, the ProLine agent in Australia, and sports a twin-turbocharged Dart Windsor small-block in the engine bay. Power figures are somewhere around 2,200 horsepower, but this is one of those times where the only answer you really need to say is, “Enough. It has enough.”

Oh, and it’s full weight, has full interior, and only runs minimal suspension mods, and can clip quarter in the deep seven-second area.

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