Ok, so we’re not 100% sure that this video was shot in Russia but frankly where else could it be? Bat shit crazy stuff seems to happen in the land of Vodka and mail order brides on a daily basis, so the odds are good that this disaster happened there. The guy who climbs on the trailer to act as the “eyes” of the driver is either the bravest or drunkest man in the country. We’re going with the latter because he is pretty slow with the hand gestures and jumps off as the tank is falling onto its side. We would have cut bait way quicker than that, but again, we hadn’t slugged down half a bottle of potato based spirits like this fellow may have.
We like the commitment of the tank driver in this mess. He’s not going to creep that thing onto the trailer. No way, this guy is going to be wood and by God, he’s going on that trailer just as fast as that big ol’ tank could go. In hindsight, this wasn’t the best strategy. It probably hurt like hell inside that tin can after their “side dismount” from the trailer.
The crowd control is boss, too. Want to stand next to a tank that comes across the scales in the tens of tons while the driver pulls onto a trailer blind? Sure! What could possibly go wro…..RUN!!!!!
Press play to see a tank driver have a very bad day –
First we load tank, then we get Moose and Squirrel.
Looks like thae same person loading the tank shot the video….lol
With all the military brass standing in the background, bet somebody got an all-expenses paid trip so Siberia out of that stunt. In Soviet Russia, Tank drives YOU.
In Soviet Russia Tank drive you!
I actually did something simmiler to that before when i was in the Navy but it was in a dozer and it didnt roll over just slid off the trailer a little on to a dirt berm and their was only 3 people arround.
Bad day indeed.
And here’s your latest member of the good old Gulag Archepelago… tell Solzhenitsyn we said ‘Hey’.