I’m not much of a video gamer. Sure, I play Grand Theft Auto 5 enough that I could draw you directions complete with street names and addresses, and I played Forza Online enough that I had people hunting down my “Seattle Police” Impala SS because they hated it so much (what? PIT maneuvers are required after putting me into a wall at Silverstone!), but really I could take or leave video games. They are a nice escape to a land where everything is make believe, but with very real-sounding explosions and best of all, no real legal ramifications for my actions.
Someone didn’t get that last particular message when this project was conceived.
In the Playstation game Far Cry 4, there is a weaponized tuk-tuk called the Bajaj which the game’s protagonist, Ajay Ghale, uses in his adventures in the game’s fictionalized version of the Nepalese civil war. In real life, a tuk-tuk might have six horsepower to haul a six hundred pound body, and that’s before anybody’s butt hits the seats…and they certainly don’t have RPGs on the roof. This one does. A collaboration between Ubisoft, the creators of the game, and Colin Furze, an English inventor who might have a screw or two loose, has resulted in this CBR600-powered Chinese takeout delivery wagon with severe anger issues. Of all of the perfect vehicles that have ever been envisioned as the ultimate way to deal with road rage, this is easily both the most unlikely and the most hilarious.
Yes, it can do burnouts. It also can drift and do wheelies, and that’s the least impressive of it’s many tricks. With the right switch, two forward-facing Uzis and two side-mounted AK47s can be employed to shoot forwards, a flamethrower can be used for whoever is chasing you, and when in doubt, hit the big red button and unleash the roof-mounted RPGs. Colin seems to have taken to the tuk-tuk’s charm…or is simply showing that he has, indeed, lost all of his freaking marbles.
Click play below and let us know what you think of this…uh…thing.