High Speed Off-Road Racing is something I’ve never done but want to do so bad. It’s awesome. I love the sport, love the trucks, love the events, and therefore running BAJA or King of the Hammers is on the list of things to work towards. With that said, anyone that watches guys like Bryce Menzies tear off across the desert at 100 mph plus, has to have a little bit of trepidation when it comes to thinking about doing it yourself. These trucks weigh a lot, have tons of power, and are hauling ass on some seriously rough terrain that is doing everything it can to pitch them over onto their roof! Sounds like a riot doesn’t it!?!? Yeah, I think so too!
This camera angle, from just above the windshield on Bryce’s Redbull Trophy Truck, is awesome because the camera stays “level” so you still get to see all the movement of the truck regardless of the terrain. The thing that makes King of the Hammers so different from other off-road races is the mix of terrain. In this qualifier you’ll see some rocks and lots of desert and lots of two track trail. In the actual Ultra 4 race the rock and trail sections get way gnarlier, with the rocks becoming a serious crawling adventure for the guys racing in this pinnacle of Ultra 4 racing. But for the Trophy Truck guys, competing in the Toyo Tires Desert Invitational, this is pretty indicative of the stuff they will see in the race.
Watch and enjoy, and dream up the off-road rig you’d like to have to race at Hammers or Baja or wherever.