Some of the cars might seem familiar to you, some might not, but what you can tell once you get past the sponsorship stickers is that these are not silhouette racers. They’re caged, they’re modified, but they were indeed sedans that you could buy a visual copy of if you happened to live in Britain during the 1990s. Ford Mondeos, Renault Lagunas, Volvos, BMWs, Nissans and Hondas, and others, were driven by people who were hell-bent to be the first at the end on tracks. 2.0L engines, a maximum of six cylinders, the cars had to be in production, and and after that…well, touring car racing might be more gentlemanly, but even hard-core NASCAR fans that I knew were tuning in and watching very closely because things would happen. Often.
Nevermind that the racing was tight, fast and often violent, but the personalities were beyond wild. Even teammates weren’t above door-bashing the hell out of each other, and rivals could almost be counted on for a crunched fender, a PIT maneuver, and a trip to the tire barriers. Middle fingers, sharp words, racing on two wheels…BTCC was at it’s best during the 1990s. Don’t believe my words? See for yourself.
Well worth watching. Planes trains and automobiles and anything else a curious mind may like. Keep it up BS.