The Roadkill boys are back and this time with a literal death wish. As the title intimates, in this episode of the famed show, the guys kill a Toyota Prius…twice. The second time involves a vintage British tank, the kind that weighs like 60-tons. The first time involves a road course and a hole in the block. It pretty much rules. In between the Prius’s first and second death, the guys almost kill themselves and their dutiful AMC Gremlin while flat towing the Prius and experiencing a blow out. By the tone of DF’s voice and Finnegan’s tone, it was a scary incident that shook the boys some. By the sounds and explanation of it, we’d have wrecked a pair of undies as well.
This is 26-minutes of EXCELLENT watching. Press play and go for a ride with our two intrepid heroes as they test, kill, and kill again an awful Toyota Prius. The eco-hate mail is probably already flooding in their direction!
How did they survive the tire blow out? It must have been the Jesus sandals!!!
So glad they didn’t crush the Gremlin!
Every Prius needs to meet its demise with a tank.
While the Gremlin lives on.
The Prius when manufactured is an environmental disaster, not to mention it is just plain ugly, they did the world a favor destroying it ! I am also thankful they spared the Gremlin, it is at least cool in its own unique way ! Keep up the good work, next time think about safety maybe a little bit.
Thanks for ridding the world of one of the worst vehicles ever conceived, and thanks for sparing the awesome Gremlin !