Having known Ron Capps for several years now, we can tell you that he is a great funny car driver, a good dude, and someone who is quick to act to handle any situation, no matter the speed. That’s exactly what happened in this clip from the 2009 NHRA Seattle national event where after making the run, his funny car basically lost the brakes when he made the turn off at the top end of the track. Knowing that unless he did something to physically stop the car himself that it was headed for a bruising encountering with something or someone else, he did the only thing he could think of. Capps jumped out of the car and stopped it himself with an immediate backup of Safety Safari workers!
You’ll hear in his interview that Capps is kind of exasperated with the situation and he also mentions that during the Denver race a similar situation came to bear when the car was boiling the fluid in the braking system causing a no-stop situation as well. There is no follow up report to this one that tells us the exact cause of the problem but we’re going to ask Ron this weekend to see if he can remember what the final outcome was.
We can’t say that there are too many people who’d have made the same call here. There’s a mix of athletic ability, presence of mind, and sheer guts on display that not everyone in drag racing, or life, has. Low speed drama? Yeah, drag racing has that too.