Send It Flying: The Mud Pit At Virginia Motor Speedway Brought Out The Best!

Send It Flying: The Mud Pit At Virginia Motor Speedway Brought Out The Best!

Pure, unadulterated horsepower in full action. That, folks, is why we dig mud bogging. Every last truck needs every last bit of power to not only not get stuck, but to come out of the slop looking absolutely heroic in the process. You have to restrain yourself on a road course or an autocross. In a mud bog, you keep that foot planted until you emerge on the other side or forward motion has ceased, no matter what trick you try. And if you break…eh, so what? Lost the rear driveshaft? You still have two perfectly good front tires digging a path! Keep that throttle pinned until you see the finish line or fire. That’s why we love mud trucks…it’s truly the pin it to win it motorsport.

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