Have you been inundated with the current “must-have” toy, the fidget spinner? It’s a bearing with a couple of weights at the end of the wings, or blades, or whatever you call them, and supposedly they are a great tool for relieving stress. Chalk us up in the “we ain’t buying that” club. It’s a toy, pure and simple, and right now it’s extremely popular…when the local gas station is selling them by the caseloads, something is up.
The idea is simple enough: A centralized spinning point and outer points that serve as the motion input and, since they are weighted, they spin faster and stay balanced. The genius of the design is it’s simplicity, which can be adapted to other means. Here, Garage 54, a YouTube channel from Russia, decides to take a crack at making one out of three Lada Samaras. Like an episode of TopGear, the Samaras are hacked in half just behind the front doors, then are welded together to form a three-lobed spinner. The result is as sketchy as you would expect, with each individual Samara fighting the other two.
It’s safe to assume that we are ready for fidget spinners to go the way of the dodo.
The Chip “Chip Fooseky” of Russia. Did they ever figure out to turn the wheels in the same direction? Too much lead paint, shitty water, bad vodka…or just plain stupid?
Like the young John Conner asked the Terminator “we’re not gonna make it are we?”