DISCLAIMER: We are not legal experts, do this at your own risk. Crash your junk in your driveway doing burnouts? On you. Get the cops called and have to try not to get arrested? On you. Get fined for something? On you. Piss off the neighbors? On you. Put a big smile on the faces of BANGshift readers, your friends, and your kids. Yep, we’ll take some credit for that one. Carry on.
So I’ve been annoyed as hell by people on Facebook bitching about being stuck at home and missing tire smoke and burnouts. WTF dudes and dudettes! Too good to do a burnout in your own driveway? I’ve done dozens of burnouts in my own driveway over the years. And if doing burnouts at your house makes you feel better when the world is seemingly crashing down around us, then I say get it on. Burn those tires, Mickey Thompson, Goodyear, Firestone, and Pep Boys are still making more. So are all the other companies that make tires. So do it for the employees there who need the work. Do it for your sanity. Do it for your family. Do it for Dale. I’m calling you out. I want burnout videos or photos from you doing burnouts at home.
If you question your ability to pull this off, then please don’t be the guy that drives through the kitchen while trying to do something fun. Your wife will kick your ass and ultimately bitch at me too. So don’t do that. But do make smoke, and marks on your driveway. It will make you cooler than the other dads on the street too.
Email me burnout photos or video from your house! [email protected]
Here’s video from Finnegan doing a ramp truck burnout as inspiration. I love you Mike Finnegan. And this is just one little reason why.
Dumb and dumber on a sunny day.
Early 70’s we called that an ‘ RD ‘ It left a J shaped mark on the road
assuming the vehicle could spin the tires in reverse …hint hint
Still see some to this day
Very popular when a ‘ hotbox ‘ ( stolen car ) was involved …just sayin’