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Video Carnage: Watch This Subaru Literally Barf An Engine While Trying To Win An Engine Revving Contest

Video Carnage: Watch This Subaru Literally Barf An Engine While Trying To Win An Engine Revving Contest

I wouldn’t know this from personal experience, but I’ve heard from a few folks a bit older than me (::cough:: Chad ::cough::) that as you age, things don’t work quite as well as they used to: Some parts of you get soft that should be hard, others that used to be firm get a little flabby, and like your grandparents, your hair has moved further South.

Where am I going with this, you may ask?

Well, like the aforementioned venerable Chad “The Beard” Reynolds, at over a decade old the ’02-03 WRX is no longer the spry young street-going rally car that it used to be. Sure, entering a motor revving competition may seem harmless enough, but just like Chad, what may seem like a harmless fart(can) can result in more than just air, and is often just as embarrassing to explain as you’re cleaning up.






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14 thoughts on “Video Carnage: Watch This Subaru Literally Barf An Engine While Trying To Win An Engine Revving Contest

  1. John T

    An engine revving contest??? that makes burnout comps and drifting seem almost sensible….seriously? they just sit there revving their cars up? Is this a F&F thing because I seriously do not get it.

      1. mooseface

        Well, yeah, but in their defense I am seeing quite a few instances of white-framed sunglasses: indicating a general lack of intelligence in this group.

        1. BeaverMartin

          I never heard of it either. I wonder if I could enter my Cummins. If I rev it to 4k rpm everyone there would have black lung. Probably be easier on her than drag racing or pulling, maybe keep the wife off my back.

    1. andrew

      Drifting really? You’re inferring drifting is a joke? Are you mental? Let me guess you’re a drag racer/fucking sped. Try it bro and we’ll laugh when you smash your car into a wall. Sucks to suck huh? I’d be pissed too if I had no sense of control over a car other than a straight line.

    1. BeaverMartin

      Yeah you’re probably right, but the engines at a Cackle fest sound like intoxicating violent automotive mayhem, while the rev off cars sound like a bunch of June Bugs in a coffee can. I’m just saying.

  2. Nytro

    An engine revving contest?

    What a dumb, dumb, dumb thing. How exactly do you even know who won?

  3. DBennett

    This wasn’t an “engine revving contest”.

    It was a muffler rap, cackle fest, exhaust decibel drag.

    There was plenty and I mean PLENTY of american muscle doing this contest.

    And you win by who ever hit the highest decibel by exhaust tone at a free rev.

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