Super Semi Pulling Trucks – When In Doubt, Grab A Lower Gear And Give It Hell!

Super Semi Pulling Trucks – When In Doubt, Grab A Lower Gear And Give It Hell!

Semi tractors, dump trucks, heavy wreckers…they are all the workhorses of the Interstates, the farms, the factories. You see eighteen wheels, you know that someone is working somewhere and that the person behind the wheel is doing their part. Whether it’s hauling fuel to gas stations, grain to silos, or a crate of rubber pool toys out of Cleveland to wherever in the country is warm enough for poolside activities, that truck has what it takes to get the job done. So it would go to reason that if the vehicle is designed to spend the better part of it’s life chained to a trailer all the time, that hooking up to a sled pull should simply count as some weekend fun, right?

Whether it’s a monster Mack or an old-school Deuce rocking the same multi-fuel Continental mill that it had from the beginning, we love it when trucks that spent time out working get to flex a little bit on a pulling surface. Sure, seeing a B-model Mack or a flat-faced White-Freightliner isn’t a common sight on America’s roads anymore, but their historic standing works just as well. We aren’t even going to be choosy between actual street-use trucks and some of the race-only builds…it’s like door cars in drag racing: we can take one look and we know what we are looking at, which suits us fine. That recognition over, we’re here for the party, so make noise and get some distance with that sled!

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