
the car junkie daily magazine.


The Independence Chevelle Shreds Tires at Indy – FINALLY! Thanks To 800 Horsepower To The Tires

The Independence Chevelle Shreds Tires at Indy – FINALLY! Thanks To 800 Horsepower To The Tires

Cleetus and Cars Indianapolis was the site of the single best burnout, or skid as the Aussies call it, that the Independence Chevelle has ever done. And in this video you are going to see Derek tell us all about the weekend and take us along for the adventures. I think this is one of the fun events that make the summer something special and Derek and the gang are kicking it off right.

Check out the video and let us know what you think!

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1 thoughts on “The Independence Chevelle Shreds Tires at Indy – FINALLY! Thanks To 800 Horsepower To The Tires

  1. jay bree

    Figures that Cletus is involved.


    Much more enjoyable to watch you rescue cars.

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